Meet the 2024 NeoFit90 Challenge Champions

Wow, our 2024 NeoFit90 Champions have truly set the bar high! Collectively, they’ve lost over 300 lbs.† and their stories are nothing short of incredible. Their stories are a testament to what’s possible with hard work and the support of a great team. Each champion’s journey showcases how commitment and encouragement can lead to extraordinary […]

Beyond Willpower: How Your Microbiome Can Impact Your Eating Habits

There’s been a lot of talk about the gut microbiome in recent years. If you aren’t yet aware of its critical function and importance, here’s what you need to know. Our diets feed more than just our body’s cells. We’re also feeding a variety of microorganisms that reside inside our digestive tracts, collectively known as […]

Swing Into Shape with a Kettlebell Workout

Try this kettlebell workout to help you build strength and shred the pounds. Do 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps, if it’s a single arm exercise, then don’t forget to switch arms. Note: If you don’t have a kettlebell you can substitute with a dumbbell.

Meet Your 2020 Challenge Champions

Share these inspiring stories of life transformation to help others see that their goals are not confined to dreams – they can become a reality with NeoLife.

Weight Loss: What Works?

By Dr. Julie Chen Global Science Network Member Have you ever felt like weight loss is an impossible goal? I know that most people have felt like that way at one point or another. Maybe for you, it wasn’t weight loss…maybe it was to gain muscle mass or to have more energy or to gain […]