Meet Your 2020 Challenge Champions

Share these inspiring stories of life transformation to help others see that their goals are not confined to dreams – they can become a reality with NeoLife.

Shawn Boone

Lost 107 pounds† and dropped 3 shirt sizes
Weight Loss Pack, Breakfast Pack

I moved to Florida to be with my son. I had been trying to lose weight and get healthy but nothing worked. My left leg was swollen, my back ached. I couldn’t stand long enough to cook for myself so I was eating fast food three meals a day. I was sad, scared and full of anxiety. Powerful meds left me in a fog. I was losing hope. One day Debra Campbell was in an accident and went to my son’s dealership and started talking about health. I had been praying to God for help, and one morning I woke up to a NeoLife brochure and thought is this a sign? After researching the company and products, I ordered the Weight Loss Pack. In two days I felt the difference. I lost 20lbs† in the 30-Day Challenge, a total of 45lbs. In the 90-Day. The better I felt the more NeoLife products I began adding to my regimen, like Salmon Oil Plus and Performance Protein. Today I have dropped 107 lbs. and 4 pant sizes. Debra, saved my life. I feel so great that I do cardio six times a week and weight lifting 3 times a week. NeoLife has opened my mind too. I had never read a book cover to cover, not even in school. Now I read every nutrition label, books and enrolled to get my Bachelors in Health Science and Nutrition.  I want to learn as much as I can and use my transformation to inspire and help others get healthy with NeoLife.

Samantha Senseney

Lost 80 pounds† and over 20 inches from waist, legs and arms
Breakfast Pack

My life before NeoLife was not good. I had no energy, I was overweight, had zero drive, and full of panic. Errands like going to the grocery store felt overwhelmingly stressful on me. This made me feel weak and ashamed of the kind of mom and wife I was being. Then my sister, Katie introduced me to NeoLife and I got started on the Breakfast Pack. I began taking NeoLifeShake and Pro Vitality in the morning as a meal replacement. I could feel a huge difference in just a week. I had more energy, slept well through the night and I was starting to feel happy again! Consistently taking the products helped me lose 80 lbs.†, 10 sizes and gain confidence and become stronger and more confident than I ever thought possible. Now I even enjoy working out 6 times a week, pushing my body to new limits. My why to start and stick with my NeoLife are my kids and my husband. I want to be here for them and show my kids that anything is possible. And I want to show others that it is possible to get out of that dark state of mind, I was there. I know feeding our bodies clinically proven whole food nutrition can change our bodies and shift our mindset. I experienced it and my passion is to help others experience it too!

Tim Beck

Lost 60 pounds† and 9 inches off waist and a size XL to Small
Breakfast Pack

I always fantasied about getting back to my High School weight one day. I was reaching 70, and was overweight, bloated, had sore joints and felt tired all the time. As a retired teacher this was interring with my golf game. My sister in law, Glenda Drake introduced my wife, Shirlee and I to NeoLife. We were building a business and taking the products but it was at Leadership School that I had an “aha” moment. I was so encouraged by the NeoLife family at the event and blown away when I saw Founder, Jerry win a tricep dip competition that I thought if he can that at 80, I should be able to do that. This motivated me to change my habits when I got home. I began taking my NeoLife ‘super drink’ everyday (NeoLifeShake Creamy Vanilla, Aloe Vera Plus, NeoLifeTea and Fiber) with my vitamins and walking an hour a day. I felt a huge improvement! I was losing weight, feeling great and increasing my distance. I have lost 60 lbs.!† I walk 10 miles everyday, lift weights, plank, pushups and golf 3 times a week. I am so happy to say that thanks to NeoLife I am back at my High School weight! My transformation has even helped grow our NeoLife business! Being a Champion means I can truly inspire others to become happier and healthier!

Melinda Jolly

Lost 50 pounds† and 8 inches off waist. Completed 5Ks, Duathalon and Half-Marathon
Breakfast Pack

I was extremely sad, overweight, couldn’t run even a quarter of a mile. I had hormonal imbalance and achy joints – I was just unhealthy. One day, my husband Brian and I attended a community event and met Bob and Debbie Plouffe at their booth. Brian was very interested in the shake they were sampling. I had never been a fan of any protein shakes but I liked the taste. I was still skeptical but Debbie was consistent with following up and invited us to a Nutritional Workshop. We had no idea that that night that would forever change our lives. I began taking the Breakfast Pack. I started noticing I could run further, breathe easier. Then my hormones were stabilizing, weight was coming off, and my joints felt better. I was feeling great! So much so that Brian began pushing me. I ran my first 5k, completed a duathalon, then more 5ks. We trained to run a half-marathon that was cancelled due to Covid-19 but we ran it on our own anyway! I have lost 50 lbs†, dropped 3 shirt sizes and have more energy and positivity than ever before! I became a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and will soon be a Certified Integrative Symptoms Practioner. Now more people than ever need what we have. Brian and I want to motivate others to join this Family so we’re hosting Facebook Live workouts. I want to be an example that anything is possible and impact others.

Join the NeoLife Challenge online in your Back Office!

† Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period.

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