How to Make Your Muscle Mass Dreams a Reality
Eliashib Zwonitzer “When I was a month old I went through major surgeries and had 80% of my small intestine removed. I was not supposed to live when I was a baby. But Praise the Lord, I am now a healthy, athletic, young man. This however has made it very difficult for me to process food […]
Say ‘NO’ to Cheat Meals to Shape Up
30-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner Cyndy Hadley “I lost 10 pounds† using the Shape Up Pack. The Challenge provided accountability and encouraged me not to give in to ‘cheat meals’. Before entering the Challenge, I was very critical of my body, especially when I would see myself in the mirror while shopping with my daughter. Now, I […]
Shake it off with Weight Loss Pack
Weight Loss Pack Jeff Cameron “By replacing two meals a day with NeoLifeShake and eating healthy, I’m losing weight. I’ve lost 7 inches off my waist! NeoLifeShake not only gives me energy to get through a day of teaching but also keeps me sustained till dinner.
Train with NeoLife SPORT to Swim, Bike, Run
$1,000 Fitness Challenge Winner Danika Robson “I’m so proud of my first triathlon time at the Vancouver Triathlon where I finished 5th of 69 women with a time of 1:17:25.
4 Tips for a Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving!
We’ll be the first to admit that the holidays are the toughest time of the year to stick to your health and fitness goals. And Thanksgiving marks the very beginning of the holiday season. That’s why we’ve put together 4 tips for a healthy, happy Thanksgiving so you can finally enjoy the holiday season while […]
Kristin Exceeds her 10K Goal to Win Big
90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner Kristin Elser 1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge? Prior to NeoLife, I struggled with my health for most of my life, as I had no real knowledge of nutrition. In November, I was introduced to NeoLife by several friends; Sandra Bradley, Tommi Lee and Shandell Thompson. Listening to Nicole […]