How Christy & James Lost 30 lbs. Combined

“My husband, James and I entered the 30-Day Challenge in hopes of losing some unwanted weight. I had tried numerous products, diets and exercise plans with NO results. James had never had a weight issue until an injury leading to surgery kept him sedentary and even out of work. After 8 months of inactivity, James was […]

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner: Noah O’Daniel

What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?  My motivation for starting this Challenge was to see if NeoLife could help me reach the big goals I set and boost my overall fitness levels. I was shocked to win the 30-Day Challenge so I wanted to continue to push myself and see if I […]

Fit Couple Reveal Their Secret To Boosting Overall Health

“We are happy to have completed our 30-Day Challenge! It was a great additional accountability tool to help us accomplish our fitness goals. We both did well with our half marathon goal, in fact, exceeded the time goal by several minutes; mine by 13 minutes and Donnie by 9 minutes from his previous PR time. […]

Another Reason Why We Love the Vitality Pack

$1,000 Fitness Challenge Winner Noah O’Daniel “I have tried so many different types of protein and vitamin supplements but I’ve never really seen a big difference. I heard about NeoLife and decided to give it a shot. After just 30 days on the Vitality Pack, I can’t even believe how far I’ve come. I went […]

Mother of 11 Reveals Her Secret to Energy & Vitality

Dial in to the Leadership Call tonight to hear how this mother of 11 children & new World Team Member managed to build a successful business while being a homeschool mom. “I’m the mother of 11 children, ranging from 2-20. I homeschool most of these children. I was introduced to NeoLife supplements about 15 years […]