5 Simple Ways to Find Time for Exercise
First of all, we don’t believe the excuse “I don’t have time to exercise”! What that statement is really saying is “I’m not making exercise a priority”. You shouldn’t need to wake up super early (because sleep is very important for both weight loss and recovery), or ignore your other responsibilities in order to make […]
5 Tips to Beat a Weight Loss Plateau
2014 is your year to Be Your Best! Now is the time of year that most people get motivated to start getting healthy, fit, and lose weight. In the beginning of a new routine results typically start to show very quickly, but then comes the dreaded plateau. Don’t be discouraged! It’s natural for your body to get used […]
How to wake up earlier
Beep. Beep. Beep…Your alarm is going off in the morning. What’s your first thought? Snooze it or wake up for a morning workout? If you’re not a morning person, your automatic reflex is probably to snooze it! You had every intention to workout in the morning but the idea of extra beauty sleep seems so much […]