It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s A MOMPRENEUR!

Cheerful mother and daughter preparing food, while father and son are communicating in the background. [url=][img][/img][/url]

This is the age of the Mompreneur – A woman who is highly effective in both parenting and owning/running her own business. Where Mom and Entrepreneur fuse together in perfect harmony. Although from an outsider’s perspective she may often times be mistaken for Superwoman, a Mompreneur is really just someone who knows how to find balance between giving her children the love, nurturing and support they need and choosing the right business that will allow her the flexibility she needs in addition to a highly lucrative return on her investment of both time and money.

What should a Mompreneur look for in a business opportunity?

  • A company with stability, so you can trust that the hard work and sacrifice you put in now, will lead to a financially secure future for your little ones.
  • Low risk but big opportunity for upside, where more hard work can translate into more income.
  • A company with integrity and wholesome values that align with your own and the ones you aspire to teach your children.
  • Something your kids can feel they are part of, even if it’s as small as helping put together samples or gift bags.
  • A company with consumable products that you believe in and that will truly help those you share them with.For over 50 years, Mompreneurs around the world have been choosing NeoLife as their trusted business partner. NeoLife offers opportunity to earn a residual income and build a healthier and happier future for your family. We don’t measure this in dollars alone because we value health, personal growth, and making a difference as far more important than just making money. But with that said, when you love what you do and you know you are making a positive difference in people’s lives, then the result of choosing a company with a highly profitable compensation plan backed by amazing products is that you are financially rewarded.


Hear why these Mompreneurs chose NeoLife:
Nada St. Germain
1 Ruby Director Toronto, Canada

“I saw and experienced first hand how the NeoLife products are life-changing so doing it as a business was a no-brainer and made it easy to share. As my business grew it replaced my income as a Police Officer and I transitioned from part-time to full-time with NeoLife because I really wanted to start a family and have the time-freedom to be there for my children. I quit my job and got pregnant in the same month. When my kids were younger they would help me set up for booths and shows and it taught them so many positive things like how to set goals and the importance of good health. Taking the products has also helped them tremendously to be healthy and excell at sports. I know that I would not have been able to be a part of their lives and experience those milestone moments, that I cherish, if I would have remained a police officer. I am so grateful for the time-freedom that the NeoLife opportunity has allowed me to have!

Chelsey Clark
3 Ruby Director San Jose, California

“I saw other moms in NeoLife and how they had time-freedom to be involved and present with their kids as well as the financial side of the opportunity and knew I wanted to be a part of something like that. I wanted a family but I also wanted to be there and not have someone else raise them. I have 6 kids and they are always with me going to home meetings and helping put together sample packs and wearing the NeoLifeGear. They love it! Being involved in the business has taught them to dream big. I notice that their friends don’t have those big dreams because they don’t get to be a part of what mom and dad do. My kids see our lifestyle of empowering others to be their best and now they want to be their best too. Focusing on a ‘power hour’ every day where I plan ahead and make sure to use my time effectively has resulted in huge financial benefit. Even if it’s just 15 minutes waiting in the carpool lane at school, taking advantage of those free moments to make calls and follow up with people makes all the difference. Owning a business and having a family definitely requires hard work but it is absolutely worth it!”

Yvette Robertson
1 Ruby Director Phoenix, Arizona

“I am a wife, mother and pharmacist. I grew up in South Africa and then immigrated to Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A. in 2002. Being a pharmacist comes naturally to me because I always want to help people. Giving people hope in a world where things can be so hopeless is a wonderful thing that I can accomplish with NeoLife. Having studied in the field of pharmacy and always relying on western medicine for all cures, it was quite a refresher for me to be reminded that God created our bodies beautifully and perfectly well to heal and take care of each cell if we give it the right nutrition. Couple that with nature’s blueprint, backed by science, and NeoLife products and we have a winning combination. We have 3 children, Austin 17, Jordan 15 and Devon 9 and we are thankful to the Chelated Zinc and Vitamin E Plus that enabled us to have these 3 beautiful and blessed children. Our kids are strong and healthy and love their NeoLifeShake and supplements. Being able to work in this NeoLife business with my husband Tony is such a privilege and very special in so many ways. He is truly amazing with how much he cares for people and is willing to help wherever he can.”

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