Think Inside the Box

boxing2Tips from NeoLife Fitness Coach Kendra Brassfield

Boxing is a sport that’s had a big time rise in popularity in the last couple years. Fitness lovers are flocking to reasonably priced boxing gyms, loving the high-intensity cardio and sleek muscle-sculpting routines. And better yet, it can be done from anywhere!


Start with your left foot forward, jabbing with your left hand and punching with your right. Repeat 10 times slowly. Then switch sides. And start again from the beginning, but this time fast moves! Then Do a third set with weights in your hands!

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms out parallel to the floor. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor with your chest out and butt back like you are sitting in a chair. Then come up by pressing through your heels. Repeat 3 sets, 10 reps.

Relaxed arms, shake it out, one foot off the ground at all times. 1 minute.


Start with your left foot forward, left hand jab, right hand punch, and left hook. Repeat 10 times slowly. Then switch sides. And start again from the beginning, but this time fast moves! Then do a third set with weights in your hands!

Same form as bodyweight squats, but when you come up from the squat explode up through your heels and jump off the ground. Repeat 3 sets, 10 reps.

If you have a rope use it, but otherwise just pretend. Do 5 jumps on both feet, then 5 on the right, and then 5 on the left. Repeat continuously for 2 minutes.


Start with your left foot forward, left hand jab, right punch, left uppercut, and right punch. Repeat 10 times slowly. Then switch sides. And start again from the beginning, but this time fast moves! Then do a third set with weights in your hands!

Step forward with your left leg and lunge, with forward knee in line with ankle, torso upright. Then jump up switching legs mid-jump. Do this continuously for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.

Stand upright in a neutral position. Bring one knee up to waist level at a time, alternating as fast as you can. Do this continuously for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.

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