Train with NeoLife SPORT to Swim, Bike, Run

$1,000 Fitness Challenge Winner Danika Robson “I’m so proud of my first triathlon time at the Vancouver Triathlon where I finished 5th of 69 women with a time of 1:17:25.

Race You to the Podium

90-Day Fitness Challenge Winner Luke Clark 1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge? I entered the Challenge to tone up because I’ve never been satisfied with my body type. In the past I was either super skinny – 120 pounds at 6’1 or unhealthy overweight – 225 pounds at 6’3 and it wasn’t due […]

Dr. Tom Hickey Puts NeoLife SPORT to the Test

$1,000 Fitness Challenge Winner Dr. Tom Hickey What inspired you to join the Challenge? I was inspired to join the Challenge after reading an article about adding muscle mass at every age. At almost 65, I wanted to prove that people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s can put on muscle mass given the right diet, exercise […]

Athletes, Are You Getting The Right Nutrients?

Vitamins and minerals play many roles in an athlete’s body including energy production and the maintenance of tissues, bone, and immune function. Exercise stresses many of the biochemical pathways where micronutrients are required, increasing the turnover and loss of these nutrients. Thus athletes may have greater requirements for these micronutrients in order to adequately build […]