New Evidence: Omega-3s Support Brain Health Function

salmonJohn Miller, Scientific Advisory Board Director points to new scientific evidence on 3 specific omega-3s found in NeoLife Salmon Oil Plus. 

It is well known that the NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board delivers leading edge science and product formulations long before mainstream science or other product manufacturers. It’s a fact! Once again that fact is showcased in leading edge research. This time it comes from the 11 May 2017 edition of the peer-reviewed journal Nutritional Neuroscience. That article points to the importance of three specific omega-3 fatty acids to brain health and function; ALA – alpha-linolenic acid, SDA – stearidonic acid and ETE – eicosatrienoic acid (also known as ETA(3)).

There are two things that are important here:

One is that these three omega-3’s (the first three of the 8 omega-3s involved in human nutrition) appear to play critical roles in what is called “fluid intelligence”, generally described as the ability to solve new problems, use logic in new situations, and identify patterns. Every day things we take for granted, but shouldn’t. Decline in fluid intelligence is one of the most debilitating aspects of cognitive decline as we age….and it starts early.

omega-3 fatty acids family

The second is that all three of these important omega-3’s are included in Salmon Oil Plus and Omega-3 Liquid. When we formulated Salmon Oil Plus and Omega-3 Liquid our goal was to deliver all of the omega-3 fatty acids involved in human nutrition. We didn’t know exactly what each one did within the human body, but Nature’s Blueprint for human nutrition told us they were important so we developed the materials and technology to do so. Over the years since it’s introduction the importance of all the omega-3’s to human health continues to be shown; for heart health, for inflammatory balance, for healing, for joint health and now for cognitive functionality.*

This is just one more example of the power of the NeoLife difference. In this case, when you make Salmon Oil Plus or Omega-3 Liquid part of your nutritional health game plan you get benefits no other product can provide, backed by science no other company can deliver. Product excellence without compromise for nutritional benefits you quite simply shouldn’t be without. THINK ABOUT IT!


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John Miller
SAB Director
Product Technologist

For any entrepreneurs out there who have a passion for sharing good health… NeoLife is redefining the world of startups. Put simply, it’s like a tech start-up, but with nutrition. There are low barriers to entry because NeoLife provides the infrastructure that any successful business needs, as well as consumable products, and a compensation plan. So instead of having to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to get started, it makes entrepreneurship accessible to everyone. You can own your own NeoLife business and it can be passed down as an income-generating asset to future generations. For more information please visit or call 800.432.5842. To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit


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