Living Organic


Why Go Organic?

1 Non-organic farmers often use systemic pesticides. This means the pesticides can’t be washed or peeled off, as they are taken into the plant, normally through the roots.

2 Fuzzy fruits like peaches and apricots absorb sprays through the skin.

3 Foods grown with synthetic fertilizers, look great, and could even taste great but often don’t have the same nutrient and mineral content as organically grown foods.

4 Non-organic grown foods are often harvested grass green, thus lowering the nutrients considerably. They are often chemically ripened.

5 Eating more nutrient dense food will help you feel fuller, better, more energetic and vibrant as you give your body what it needs. Also as you eat less empty calories, you often lose weight.

How to Go Organic

1 Look for – “vine ripened” and “certified organic”.

2 At the Farmers Market – check to make sure it is from a certified organic grower.

3 At the Store – look for a PLU number that starts with a 9 (this is not the bar code, but normally near it. There are no GMO foods that start with a 9.) or labeled organic.

Unhealthy Foods to Avoid

1 Margarine

2 “Enriched” Foods

3 MSG and names used to represent it

4 Non-organic corn and high fructose corn syrup

5 Meats treated with antibiotics or growth hormones

6 The Dirty Dozen list published by the Environmental Working Group

7 Non-organic dairy – often comes from cows that have been injected with growth hormones.

Other Healthy Tips

1 Peel and/or wash all fruits & vegetables thoroughly with the Green product.

2 Drink plenty of filtered water. Add a lemon for extra benefits.

3 Cook from scratch and know what ingredients you are using.

4 Choose grilled or baked, not fried.

5 When flying, I love the NeoLifeShake packets to use in my NeoLife Blender Bottle and NeoLifeBar. I also pack my own healthy food.

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