How to wake up earlier


Beep. Beep. Beep…Your alarm is going off in the morning. What’s your first thought? Snooze it or wake up for a morning workout?

If you’re not a morning person, your automatic reflex is probably to snooze it! You had every intention to workout in the morning but the idea of extra beauty sleep seems so much more beneficial. Not everyone can be a morning person, right? So, still half asleep, you reach over to hit the snooze button. As you turn back over in bed, you convince yourself that you’ll workout later!

You finally get out of bed and go on with your usual routine. Taking care of the kids, a day at the office or another day full of assignments at school which take priority over working out. So, again, you convince yourself that you’ll squeeze in a workout after your busy schedule.

Once your day is finally winding down, a relaxing evening is the only thing on your mind. Maybe dinner with the family or just Netflix and chill.

You had planned to workout but its been a long day. So you push your Challenge off another day but  convince yourself that you’ll wake up early the next morning to workout. And the cycle continues…

We’re here to help you stop making excuses by easing into a morning workout routine! Getting out of bed earlier may be a struggle at first but the benefits are worth it!

5 Tips to Ease You Into Your Morning Workout:
1. Get enough sleep

Make sure you are getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep.  To ease into your new routine, start going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night. An earlier bedtime will make waking up earlier less painful and wont be a drastic change to your sleeping habits! After just a couple weeks, it will become automatic!

2. Pack your gym bag the night before

Put your gear together the night before. Then you can simply wake up and grab your bag on your way out in the morning. You won’t have to waste any time searching for your headphones or looking for matching socks. Knowing everything is all ready will give you one less excuse to not get out of bed!

3. Post an inspiration board 

Change your phone background to an inspirational image or hang a collage of healthy fitness photos bedside so you’re inspired as soon as you open your eyes! Seeing what you are working towards will make you eager to jump out of bed and get it!

4. Place your alarm out of reach

Set your alarm for the morning and place it out of reach. The most difficult part of rising early is getting out of your comfy bed. So force yourself to get out of bed in the morning to turn off the alarm. Once you are out of bed you will have no excuse to snooze it!

5. Wake up to motivational music

Wake yourself up with some up beat jams! Set your alarm ringtone to something that makes you want to move! Keep your workout motivation going and dance off your sleepiness. You will definitely be pumped up for your workout!

Stop making excuses and start integrating these 5 tips! Enjoy the rest of your day knowing that you have already exercised! You decide, snooze it or work towards your fitness and weight loss goals!

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