Eric Danzeisen

90-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner
Eric Danzeisen

1. What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?

I casually started the Vitality Pack and NeoLifeShake basically to keep my wife from bugging me too much back in July 2016. I immediately noticed I wasn’t nearly as hungry in the mornings and I was getting more energy somehow. Later that month I switched to the Weight Loss Pack and started to drop some weight. I thought the Challenge would keep me motivated and accountable to meet my goals.

2. What was your 90-Day goal?

My goal was to lose 20 pounds in 90 days. I ended up losing over 30 pounds using the Weight Loss Pack!

3.How did your Health Pack help you hit your goal? 

My Weight Loss Pack helped me out tremendously. It kept me full and curbed my cravings so there was no need to have snacks throughout the day. The Pro Vitality helped out too! I feel full of energy and my mind is more focused. Other diets I had tried in the past would leave me feeling drained – all day long. It’s really amazing to experience weight loss and energy throughout the day using the Weight Loss Pack!

4. How has the Challenge positively impacted your life? 

The Challenge keeps me focused on my health from here on out. It has shown me that it doesn’t have to be a horrible experience being on a diet – it’s the NeoLifestyle; just incorporating the right nutrition along with healthy choices like working out and eating better. It really was much more easy that I thought, and I just feel great! I don’t want to ever go back!

5. What is one tip you would give to someone new to the Challenge? 

Just try it! I wasn’t expecting to win anything. But I ended up winning with my health and happened to win $1,500 in NeoLife products and gear on top of that! You won’t be disappointed!


†Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period.

Click here to get started living your best life and join the Challenge today! For more information on NeoLife nutritionals and other products, please visit or call 800.432.5842. To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

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