Weight Loss: What Works?

By Dr. Julie Chen
Global Science Network Member

Have you ever felt like weight loss is an impossible goal? I know that most people have felt like that way at one point or another. Maybe for you, it wasn’t weight loss…maybe it was to gain muscle mass or to have more energy or to gain weight even. The point is that, health goals can seem impossible if you’re not sure how to go about getting to your goal.

I know there are a lot of information out on the internet and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard patients say:

“My cousin’s friend’s sister-in-law’s friend says that I need to eat more…(celery or insert any number of other things here)… in order for me to lose weight and have more energy.”

But then you try it…and it doesn’t work. Then you try something else…and it doesn’t work.

That’s because folklores rarely work.

What does work is hard core science!

Fortunately, with more people getting more health conscious, there are more and more studies being done to help people understand how metabolism works and what’s a fad and what’s true science.

One thing that seems to help people based on studies and also based on my clinical experience is to set an initial trial period to make health changes so that it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. This is probably why so many diet books and programs talk about 30-day programs…because it works! It helps you to get going and to start to establish new habits and then even after the 30 days, you’ll continue your new healthier habits.

Some common mistakes I see people do is that they fast too long or cut out healthy food groups and just count calories or exercise too much.

The healthiest way for your body to lose weight…and to keep it off, is to mimic healthy body physiology functioning so that your metabolism doesn’t slow down and your weight loss benefits can sustain long term.

This means that your body will need whole foods, like whole grains, vegetables, nuts, legumes, healthy fats and a wide complex blend of protein/amino acids so that all organs and cells can function with all the tools they need to be efficient.

This is why I like the Weight Loss Pack.

The pack includes healthy fat, mineral, vitamin, protein and even mitochondrial support. By combining the foundational nutrient support of the pack and a healthy balanced diet of whole foods, your body is able to lose weight while not being deprived of nutrients so that your cellular functioning that supports metabolism can stay stable.

Some other options that I feel could help optimize support of weight loss and energy goals would be to add support from probiotics such as Acidophilus Plus, digestive enzymes like Beta-Zyme and Glucose Balance. There are more studies nowadays suggesting that gut health impacts metabolism and weight. We also know that there’s impact of inflammation on overall health and I find the ingredients of Glucose Balance to be very supportive.

Over the next few months, I’ll be writing some blogs and there will be some webinars about various factors that impact weight and metabolism and I’ll be going over what we’re seeing in studies to help de-mystify this topic for you…so definitely stay tuned and check them out!

At the end of the day, your first step is your decision to make changes towards a healthier you. That is the most important step. After that, you just need the support of nutrients and guidelines about healthy diet. The nutrients you can get from the Weight Loss Pack.

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