Mother of 11 Reveals Her Secret to Energy & Vitality
Dial in to the Leadership Call tonight to hear how this mother of 11 children & new World Team Member managed to build a successful business while being a homeschool mom. “I’m the mother of 11 children, ranging from 2-20. I homeschool most of these children. I was introduced to NeoLife supplements about 15 years […]
Can Eating Whole Grains Help You Live Longer?
Whole grains are a key component of a healthy diet, providing a powerful punch of energy, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and key lipids and sterols. It’s no wonder that health authorities and experts recommend that we try to get at least 3 servings of whole grains per day. But across the United States and many […]
Get Energy Without The Risk
Ever reached out for one of those seemingly ubiquitous energy drinks? There are dozens of them out there, and they seem to have become a staple especially with college students and clubbers. Sales of Energy Drinks skyrocketed to $9.7 Billion in the United States this year according to Symphony IRI data compiled by Bloomberg. Children […]