The Unfiltered Truth

College Students on NeoLifeTea In the competitive workplace of today, college students all over the country are feeling the pressure to excel. Many resort to consuming large quanities of popular energy drinks, many of which may have dangerously high levels of questionable ingredients. We put NeoLifeTea to the test in a recent survey conducted at Auburn University, where these hard working students tried our […]

The Latest on Resveratrol’s Blood Sugar Management Potential

New meta-analysis says that daily intake of resveratrol may improve glucose and insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition set out to quantitatively evaluate the effects of resveratrol on glucose control and insulin sensitivity. Resveratrol is a polyphenol that has gained popularity because of its powerful […]

Get Energy Without The Risk

Ever reached out for one of those seemingly ubiquitous energy drinks? There are dozens of them out there, and they seem to have become a staple especially with college students and clubbers. Sales of Energy Drinks skyrocketed to $9.7 Billion in the United States this year according to Symphony IRI data compiled by Bloomberg. Children […]