How Stephanie Curbed her Cravings using the Breakfast Pack

90-Day Weight Loss Challenge Winner
Stephanie Larson
Lost 50 lbs. using Breakfast Pack

What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?
My motivation for joining the Challenge was actually mostly my friends pushing me to do it! I had nothing to lose except weight and health issues so why not? I had been in group challenges before and I know they helped push me to my goals so this was just the same but on a bigger scale! The chance to be a winner is super exciting in itself so I decided to go for it!

What was your 90-Day goal?
My 90 day goal was to lose weight in a healthy time frame so that I could make changes that I would actually stick with and maintain! I thought if I could lose 20 to 30 lbs. I would be beyond happy! I also wanted to challenge myself to get stronger! Be able to do 10 full push-ups without being on my knees and up my endurance.

How did your Health Pack help you to achieve your goal?
The Breakfast Pack helped me in so many ways! I was at a point with my eating habits that I never really felt full or satisfied. Or I would be so stuffed that I felt sick but 10 minutes later I was looking for something more to eat. NeoLifeShake helped me retrain my stomach to know what a real portion size was and helped curb my cravings! Now things that I used to not be able to refuse, I now can easily turn down! Before NeoLife I would also not eat anything until 2 or 3 in the afternoon and then I would be so hungry I would make terrible choices and overeat! NeoLifeShake has helped me learn to eat in the morning and fuel my body the right way! Then I can make better choices throughout the entire day! I’ve gained energy to workout and got back my ambition to do things like climb hills in the gravel pit with my 12 year old son and race him back to the car! Before NeoLife I would have just told him no way!*

stephanie_larson2How has the Challenge positively impacted your life?

I can not even tell you all the ways the Challenge has positively impacted my life, but I’ll try! First since the Challenge I feel I have become closer with other NeoLifers and Challenge winners! It has created a common bond and feels like an amazing uplifting family rooting you on! That I believe is going to be the #1 best thing! I also have lost 50 lbs.† which feels absolutely amazing! I can’t explain how awesome and healthy I feel now! I never thought I would be able to accomplish this! Also, experiencing these results have really helped me spread the word about NeoLife since others notice such a huge change in me!

What is one tip you would give to someone new to the Challenge?
One tip I would give someone new to the Challenge is just don’t give up! You have it in you! You will have bad days, that’s ok just pick up a NeoLifeShake in the morning and start again! Change is not a future event it happens in the present!


For any entrepreneurs out there who have a passion for sharing good health… NeoLife is redefining the world of startups. Put simply, it’s like a tech start-up, but with nutrition. There are low barriers to entry because NeoLife provides the infrastructure that any successful business needs, as well as consumable products, and a compensation plan. So instead of having to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to get started, it makes entrepreneurship accessible to everyone. You can own your own NeoLife business and it can be passed down as an income-generating asset to future generations. For more information please visit or call 800.432.5862. To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

†Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period.

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