90-Day Challenge Winner: Richard Vaughan lost 36lbs.†

What was life like before NeoLife?  
When my wife started working with NeoLife I knew the products were great and that she had finally after many years of searching found a credible company to represent. Even though I knew the products were great I was not consistent with taking them. For years I was called the carbo-man at work because I daily went to the food machine to satisfy my cravings and my lunch was a choice of more carbs. My nightly habit would consist of a bag of chips and or cookies. I was addicted to carbs and sugar but I thought if I kept my weight under 200 I was doing fine.

What was your motivation for joining the Challenge?
In January 2019 I went to the eye doctor thinking I needed to get glasses, only to discover I was diagnosed with Diabetic Retinopathy. The doctor put a healthy fear in me when I heard those words. I was unaware that I had diabetes and that it was destroying my vision. The fear of losing my vision challenged me to change my lifestyle and get serious about my health. I’m married to a Wellness & Nutritional consultant so I didn’t have to go far to get the help I needed. My wife, LaVonne put me on a program that would switch out the carbs for nutrition and break the addiction to save my vision. I could not have done this without her coaching.

What was your 90-Day goal? 
We addressed 3 things: 1.) Weight loss 2.) Exercise 3.) NeoLife Nutrition I purchased a bike and started riding it after work and on the weekends. I started faithfully on the Breakfast Pack added the all Fiber to the shake and took the Glucose Balance before my meal to support normal blood sugar.* My wife prepared nutritious low carb meals for dinner and lunch.

Which Health Pack did you use? And how did it fuel your success?
Replacing one meal a day with NeoLifeShake helped to balance my blood sugar, and satisfy my cravings for carbs and sugar.

Additional products that you’re taking:
I added the All Natural Fiber to my NeoLifeShake and took 2 Glucose Balance before each meal. My wife has given me quite an arsenal of NeoLife to make up for all the time I ignored the importance of nutrition. I take Vitamin E Plus, Salmon Oil Plus, Lipotropic Adjunct, Super C, Carotenoid Complex, Chelated Cal-Mag and Beta-Zyme before my meals.*

How has the Challenge positively impacted your life?
When I started my changes in diet and exercise habits, my blood sugar was running in the 300s. Within 7 days it dropped 100 points. Within 30 days it dropped another 100 points and I have been able to maintain a healthy level between 90 to 110 daily ever since. In less than 5 months, I have dropped 36 lbs. and dropped four pant sizes. I had to buy new clothes for Convention. I weighed 194 lbs. when I started my lifestyle change I now weigh 158 lbs. My blood sugar is now under control.

I am now sharing my story and signed up my first person on a Breakfast Pack last month. I am grateful that God brought NeoLife into our lives and for the hope it has now given me.

What is one tip you would give to someone new to NeoLife?
Don’t procrastinate, Just Do it and Do It Now! It is easier to Prevent than to reverse the damage once you get a diagnosis.


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†Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period.

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