Investing for the future

Jerry Brassfield

Living a life of sacrifice, service & love.

Every now and then I like to calculate the value of my initial investments as a Distributor in terms of today’s dollar. This serves as an important reminder of something that was absolutely critical for my own success as a Distributor. This story is for anyone desiring success with NeoLife. It is my passion to help others reach their dreams and live a life of purpose. I hope this will help you or someone you know to make financially wise decisions today in order to have a better tomorrow.

I was 19 years old when I signed up in my first Direct Selling company. At that time, $50 only got me one unit of product to eat and one to sell. After my first sale, I was left empty handed with nothing to show or sample with the next few people I talked to. I then felt discouraged and unprepared to build my business. I soon realized that if I was going to have success, I would need to belly up to the bar and treat my business like a business by investing in more product to share with others.

This investment became crucial to my success because prospects would ask, “well, how did you get started?”. They saw my passion, identified with my vision, and wanted to sign up the same way I did. My investment in more product allowed me to lead by example and explain to new team members how starting with a larger initial investment is important in order to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

This also required me to have the right perspective, realizing that this was virtually risk free for Distributors in my team and for me. Even given the worst-case scenario, if someone decided later that they didn’t want to do the business, they would simply be left with a couple months of product for them and their family to use for good health.

It’s easy to forget that the value of money changes over time. The value of my $50 Distributor Kit purchased in 1960 is $400 in terms of today’s dollar in 2015. My follow up investment of product for sampling was $156, a value of $1,245 today. A total of $1,645 in value was a lot of money for me to come up with, and I actually ended up borrowing a significant portion from my Father and brother Bob. Over the years I paid them back many times over because I will be forever thankful. I truly believe I could not have built as successful of a business as I did without products to sample, the motivation from not wanting to lose that seemingly gigantic investment, and the ability to lead by example.

I want to encourage you that it is never too late to start taking action, whether it is investing in your business or otherwise, that will allow you to lead by example with your own team.

I love to look back and measure the success I’ve had in terms of the number of lives that have been changed through dreams realized, children fed, and health restored. It is such a blessing to be a part of this global family of people who sincerely desire to make the world a healthier and happier place. I want to thank you for all that you do and for your commitment to this shared mission.

God Bless,

Jerry Brassfield

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