Everyday Energy

Dr. Todd Miller Scientific Advisory Board member Energy drinks are beverages that contain stimulant compounds, primarily caffeine, which are marketed as providing mental and physical stimulation. They typically contain sugar (often in excessive amounts) and other sweeteners, herbal extracts, and a variety of amino acid and micronutrient combinations. They come in a staggering number of […]

The Future of Beauty & Personal Care is Clean and Green!

  The Future of Beauty & Personal Care is Clean and Green! Dr. Diane Clayton, SAB member In our information-rich age we are increasingly knowledgeable about the benefits and potential harmful effects of the food we eat, the cosmetic products we use on our skin, and of course the cleaning products we use in our […]

What is the best time of day to take a probiotic?

Probiotics have been steadily gaining more attention as research continues to reveal just how important a healthy gut microbiota is. Your microbiota has an astonishing level of impact on you, including, but not limited to, impacting nutrient absorption, playing a role in immune defenses, and even producing neurotransmitters like serotonin.1 When we consume beneficial bacteria […]